
huafu fashion co., ltd-pg电子竞技平台

since talent is the magic weapon to win, “cultivating our own professional managers” has been included in huafu basic law, which is a crucial guarantee for ensuring an everlasting huafu. huafu chooses to set up huafu special award scholarship in the textile and related institutions, and actively promotes school-enterprise cooperation to train and introduce outstanding students by establishing graduate internship base. the "ivy plan" aiming at fresh graduate has been implemented for more than ten years, which helps fresh graduates transform from students to professionals.

    love care period(after contract signing - before entry)
    help trainees get more understanding of the industry, company, post and workplace by regularly communicating with them or providing internship chance.
    in-model period(the first - six month of entry)
    carry out special training on enterprise culture, professional quality, regulations and professional technique; arrange internship according to the post demand with whole journey of one-to-one tutorship.
    growth period(the first - second year)
    accumulate rich work experience through constant post practices and on duty training. essential study will be provided to allow trainees to grow rapidly in short time and to make excellent trainees stand out.
    breakthrough period(the second - fourth year)
    when trainee's knowledge meet the demand of post and is qualified for higher post, the company will provide a broader platform to help them making breakthrough in vocation development.
